Friday, 22 November 2013

Tues 19 Nov - the Jamieson Family

We got up late and had breakfast in the garden. It was hot today, 32C, so it was very pleasant to sit in the shade. After lunch, we went into the inner City to visit some people we'd met on our trip - Dick and Rosemary. 

They'd lent us some good books on the Kimberley and the desert and we wanted to return them. We had a cup of tea with them and then Kathleen directed us to see some of the famous Melbourne streets, Brunswick and Lygon, where all the restaurants are.

We went back to Williamstown again in the evening to see some more family places that Kathleen knew about. We also went for a walk along the jetty and saw the Sea Shepherd there, one of the anti-whaling ships.

We went to the pub for dinner, where we met up with some of Kathleen's brothers and sisters and some of their children and then we went back to her brother David's house for a cuppa, where we met his wife and sons. It was another late night, as there was so much catching up to do.

Martin, Patricia, Rodger and Adam

Kahn and Sally + bub

AnnMaree and Michael

David and Rodger

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