Monday, 30 September 2013

Fri 27 Sept 2013 – Living Aboriginal History at Karijini – meeting Rodney Parker and Wading the Gorge

We were looking forward to a swim (especially as there are no showers) so we set off for Fortescue Falls. There were deep steps down the Gorge and then we followed a path around the bottom and came to a beautiful, fern - lined pool, with 2 waterfalls running onto it. We had a lovely swim and a couple of massages under the waterfalls. There were lots of little fish that nibbled us while we were trying to climb the ladder to get out.

From here we went to the Visitors Centre, where there was a good display of life on a pastoral station, from the Aboriginal point of view.

There were lots of photos and interviews with people about those days, especially a man called Wobby Parker. One of the guys in the photos was Rodney Parker, talking about growing up in Wittenoom and playing at rolling down the hill, through the asbestos dust.

As we were looking, we realised he was there, showing some people around, just ahead of us! We said hello and introduced ourselves and he told us he did the design for the tribal logos used in the Centre and his Dad, Wobby, was one of the Elders. It was a special experience for us to meet him and his wife Cassie, living history!

From here we went across the Park and saw 2 Gorges from the lookout called Joffre and Knox.

We then climbed down Weano Gorge to swim in Handrail Pool. Unfortunately, they didn't think to mention in any of the information that we would have to wade through 2 large pools, 1 very deep and that under the water were sharp little stones. If we'd known, we would have worn our water shoes and it would have been much easier and more comfortable.

As we waded up the Gorge, we came to a very narrow part and then the ground suddenly dropped away in a steep cliff into an almost perfectly round pool. The only way down was clinging to a handrail and feeling with our feet for small ledges of rock - now we understood why it was called Handrail Pool! The disappointing thing was that when we got down, we saw that the water was still and slimy and certainly not good for swimming in .We made it back up again safely and found another pool we could swim in on the way back.

When we were at the Visitor's Centre, we'd seen a Telstra phone and on our way home, it was just the right time to ring Friday Night Group. We also managed to catch Rodger's mum too.

When we got back, we made use of the gas BBQ to cook a whole tray of sausages. This means that our dinner is cooked for a couple of nights, which is good as we'll probably sleep in a lay- by tomorrow because Exmouth, our next destination is about 700kms away.

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